It's reunion time! 20 years have passed since you graduated from high school. You wake up the morning of the event and notice a huge pimple right in the middle of your nose! Who gets pimples in their 30’s? You shouldn't be going to a high school reunion looking like the same greasy teenager with pimples, should you? And before such an important event that you've been anticipating for months. How is this even possible? Unfortunately, acne in adults is more common than you think. According to a research study done by Loren Cordain et al1, 40-54% of adults older than 25, and up to 12% of middle-aged men and women, suffer from some degree of acne.
Acne is a condition where the glands of the skin on the face, neck, upper body, and arms become inflamed and produce more oil. The inflammation could be a result of built-up dead skin, bacteria, dirt, or oil. This could result in either comedones, papules, pustules, pimples, cysts, nodules, blackheads, or whiteheads. Whew…yes, that many kinds of acne exist! chat online with one of our licensed pharmacists for Free and we'll point you in the right direction.
Acne has no age limit. In fact, dermatologists have identified “adult-onset acne” as acne happening for the first time in adults, most commonly occurring in menopausal women.
Usually, acne is caused by hormonal changes; whether it’s due to your period, starting or stopping birth control, or during and after pregnancy. Remember that new foundation you simply had to have? Yes! That, and many other haircare and skincare products can actually cause you to break out. Acne could also be hereditary; you may just have that gene that “pops” up in many of your family members. The simplest cause of acne is stress!
Now that we know what acne is and what could cause it, how do we fix it? There is probably a whole aisle in your local drug store dedicated to various acne treatments. How can you possibly figure out which product to get? Your favorite pharmacist is swamped and you can’t get a dermatologist appointment for months! Click Here to chat for FREE with one of our pharmacists who can help you figure out what over-the-counter product works best for you to banish your acne, once and for all. We can guide you through all those hard-to-pronounce, confusing products, from benzoyl peroxide to salicylic acid to a retinoid. We are here for you and will support your journey towards clear skin!
1. accessed 07/30/2022